Social Media Apprehensions
I have some crucial business profiles on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn. These profiles generate a lot of leads for my business and are critical to the business. However, if I could, I would be off these platforms without giving it another thought.
On twitter, everyone has opinions about everything. Politics has occupied the centre stage and reading so many opinions has a negative effect on my mind which I can feel it within seconds of opening the website. I loved twitter and was active between 2009 and 2013! It was free of the noise that is there today. It’s become a platform where people just trend anything to gain traction. Movies, albums, political views, etc.
On facebook (who uses facebook anymore?) everyone is getting married and traveling. I don’t want to know who is marrying whom and what everyone is upto in their lives. The wall is spammed with “Videos you may like”.
On LinkedIn, everyone is philosophical about their work. Every other person is a growth hacker, motivator, trainer, etc. The wall is full of people commenting interested on random posts.
I don’t have an Instagram account and am in no mood to get one made. Now, what role does social media play in my life? Nothing! I don’t want to be there, I don’t want to see what others are upto, I don’t want to know what is going on in my social circle. But it is important for creating brand visibility.
Social Media never seems to have a positive effect on the mind. I wonder why do people keep returning every hour to these platforms when there is a tsunami of negativity on social media. Seeing photos of mountains, beaches, treks, etc is supposed to have a positive effect on the mind but it is quite opposite when we see these photos on social media. I hate seeing these photos and that is why I don’t use Instagram. I never understood why people use Instagram in the first place. Even if you use Instagram, why would you lock your profile to be private? You want to show you photos to a few people but not the world? Uh! I don’t get that.
I was off Whatsapp for a long time and it did more harm than good. People would forget to send me critical information just because they did not see me on Whatsapp. I realised that people did not read text messages (well, because most of the SMSs are spam) and Whatsapp had become the official way of communicating. I had to return to Whatsapp and well, it doesn’t bother me like the other social media platforms.